Ileana Pintilie


Ileana Pintilie Teleagă is an art critic and historian, professor and doctoral supervisor at the Faculty of Arts, the West University of Timişoara, independent curator, AICA member since 2000, vice-president of AICA-Romania between 2012-2020; IKT member (the International Contemporary Art Curators’ Association) since 2001; member of the ARTMargins journal board between 2000-2010 ( 

She received Art Critic Residence at FRAC Lorraine, Metz, France (2008), a Research fellowship / Henry Moore Institute, Leeds (UK), 2013-2014 and a Senior Research Fellowship from Getty Institute – Connecting Art History – the topic: Gender Politics and the Art of the European Socialist Sates, together with University ”Adam Mickewicz” from Poznan, Institute from Art History in Zagreb and West University in Timișoara (2019-2021). 

Research interests

Ileana Pintilie Teleagă is interested in performance and body art and curated several editions of Zone.Eastern Europe performance festival (1993-2002) as well as different mixed media exhibitions together with performances (The Earth, 1992, Borderline, 2009 etc.). Her research focuses on Eastern Europe studies oriented to the topic of performance art and action art especially in the period of the communism. 

She is also interested in the Romanian neo-avantgarde of the 70s especially in Timișoara and researched for many years about Paul Neagu, Roman Cotoșman, Ștefan Bertalan and Constantin Flondor. She curated many exhibitions on this topic and wrote some texts and catalogues. She is the author of the following volumes: Ştefan Bertalan. Crossroads, Triade, Timişoara, 2011, Paul Neagu. The Artwork as Visual Heremeneutics, the Art Museum, Timişoara, 2014, Ştefan Bertalan. Überlagerungen/Suprapuneri /Overlappings. Experimental Photography in the 1970s-1980s, Brumar, Timişoara, 2015, Ștefan Bertalan. Visual Structures (1960-2000), K-West Verlag, Essen, 2020.


Selected recent publications

She published a book Actionism in Romania during the Communist Era, Idea, Cluj, 2002 and many studies and articles on this topic. She contributed to the collective volumes Subversive Practices. Art under Conditions of Political Repression: 60s-80s / South America / Europe, Hatje Cantz, 2010 and Ion Grigorescu. Omul cu o singură cameră/ The Man with a Single Camera, Sternberg Press, Berlin 2013, to the volume Natural Histories: Traces of the Political, MUMOK, Viena, 2017 and to the volume Performance Art in the Second Public Sphere. Event-based in Late Socialist Europe, Routledge, London, 2018.


Ileana Pintilie Teleagă teaches courses such as The Art History in Eastern Europe in the 20s century,  Curatorial Studies and Practices and Ideas and Concepts in Contemporary art for the Doctoral Studies.



Faculty of Arts and Design
România, Timișoara,
str. Oituz nr. 4

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