NATURE – ARTS interconnections

Faculty of Arts and Design, West University of Timisoara, Romania
November 2-4, 2022

The Faculty of Arts and Design, West University of Timisoara, and the Center for Curatorial Research, Art History and Criticism, Heritage Studies (CICASP) welcome proposals for the International Conference NATURE – ARTS interconnections

The conference is open to researchers and visual artists who work on the ways in which nature in its various forms is present in visual arts. Nature has always been in the attention of artists, offering subjects for portrayal at the time when arts were mainly representational, providing a model for creation, being a source of inspiration, or standing as a value to be defended and protected against the nowadays global threats such as pollution or global warming.  Deeply admired or thoroughly investigated, in the same time appropriated and transfigured in the act of creation, nature is today as relevant as always for visual arts. 

The conference aims at looking at the multiplicity of ways in which artists involved nature in the artistic processes and their works. Possible topics could include: experimental creative research in natural or urban landscape, artist’s relationship with nature through interventions such as land art, scenarios of nature’s ruin and interpretations from an ecological perspective. 

Papers presenting theoretical research results and presentations of artistic research are equally welcome.  

 The Conference language is English.


Please send a short presentation of yourself and an abstract of no more than 300 words to The deadline for proposal submission is July 4, 2022. Authors invited to attend the conference will be notified by July 18.


There is no conference fee.

Limited financial assistance is available for travel costs reimbursement. The request for travel support must be submitted with the proposal.

Accommodation will be provided subject to availability.